Academic Honesty Policy



A classroom is a place where all students have the right to an education, the right to feel comfortable, and the right to be treated with respect. Academic honesty is an extremely important factor in maintaining an educational environment which is fair, open and preserves the dignity of all students. Each student is responsible for helping to keep this environment intact. Academic honesty does not simply involve "not cheating", and it is not merely a personal matter. It involves the trust and respect of the teacher as well as that of every student in the class. A violation of the trust and respect of the teacher and fellow classmates is a very serious matter. Academic Dishonesty includes the following offenses: 


CHEATING ON TESTS AND/OR ASSIGNMENTS: Any unauthorized use of technology, intentional giving, or using, of outside assistance related to an examination, test, or quiz without permission from the teacher (including misuse of technology). A student guilty of dishonesty such as requesting, giving, or receiving information on an examination, quiz, or assignment designed as an individual rather than collaborative effort will receive a zero on that work.  That zero will be averaged into the student’s academic grade.  Citizenship grade will be lowered as determined by the teacher.


FABRICATION: Any falsification or intentional invention of data, sources, or other authority in an academic exercise. If a student falsifies data or sources, the student will receive a zero on the academic assignment.   That zero will be averaged into the student’s academic grade.  Citizenship grade will be lowered as determined by the teacher.


UNAUTHORIZED COLLABORATION (Sharing Work, Copying): Any collaboration between a student and another person at times or in ways which are not permitted.   Any student who contributes to an incident of Academic Dishonesty may have their academic and citizenship grade lowered.  In serious cases , removal from the class may be warranted by the administration


PLAGIARISM: Any intentional use of another person's ideas, words, or work as one's own, as determined by the teacher. Plagiarism includes the misuse of published material, material generated by technology, self-plagiarism or the work of another student. Staff members observing an act of plagiarism will confiscate the work and notify the appropriate teachers.


FORGERY: Falsifying or submitting academic work by forging another person’s signature.  Penalty may include: lowered academic grade, lowered citizenship grade, and /or legal prosecution as determined by the administration.


TEST/ASSIGNMENT AVOIDANCE: A pattern of absences and tardies on test days is not acceptable. When it has been determined that a student has a pattern of absences and tardies, excused or unexcused, on test/quiz days within a grading period, the teacher will notify the parent of the potential test avoidance problem. At the teacher's discretion, any further test day absence may result in forfeiting the opportunity to make up the test. 


A first offense in violation of the Academic Honesty Policy carries the following consequences:  

Referral, verified parent contact, as well as possibly a grade of zero on the assignment and a lowered citizenship grade for the grading period in which the first offense occurred. 


Any additional offense carries grave consequences:   

Referral , verified parent contact,  and an academic grade of F and a citizenship grade of U for the semester in which the additional offense occurred.  The student may be removed from the class, as determined by administration


THEFT OR ALTERATION OF MATERIALS: Any form of physical or technological theft, concealment, alteration, or distribution of student, staff, or library material. A student guilty of stealing or using stolen materials or of altering test or class materials may face suspension, removal from class with a failing grade, removal from MMHS, or all of the above. 

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