Mira Mesa High School offers specialized courses and class structure for its Gifted and Talented Education Program Cluster and Seminar students.
The Gifted and Talented Education(GATE) program supports unique opportunities for high-achieving andunderachieving pupils who are identified as gifted and talented. By statedefinition, gifted students are pupils who possess a capacity for excellence farbeyond that of their chronological peers. This capacity includes many andvaried characteristics that require modifications of curriculum andinstruction. These modifications form the basis of gifted and talentededucational services.
San Diego Unified SchoolDistrict serves gifted students through two program options:
1. The Seminarprogram for the highly gifted and,
2. The Clusterprogram for gifted and high ability students.
SDUSD's GATEProgram Mission Statement:
All San DiegoUnified GATE students will graduate with the habits of mind to become lifelongscholars, critical thinkers, innovators, leaders, and global citizens.
GATE/SeminarTeam Leader
Zarek Pilakowski
Email Address: [email protected]
Gate Parent Representative
(DAC-GATE): Debbie Raynor
San Diego Unified School District Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) overview.