
Our front office is receiving a high volume of calls and emails.
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MMHS Attendance Regulations

Regular attendance is an integral part of the learning process.  Being present for, and actively engaged in, the learning process will allow the student to fully benefit from all the teacher/course has to offer. 

If a student is unable to be present for the entirety of a period or day, the parent/guardian should send an email to [email protected] to report the absence.

COVID-19 Decision Tree

COVID-19 Testing Information


Report Absences by sending an email to [email protected]

It is the student's responsibility to clear absences in the Main Office with the attendance secretaries. Absences can be cleared as follows:

  • Handwritten notes from parent/guardian can be dropped off at the Attendance Office before the school day begins once student returns to school.
  • Parent/guardian can leave a message at Extension 2206 reporting the absence.


  • After 72 hours, absences will no longer be cleared (even with notes) and will have to be made up in detention or Saturday School.
  • Absences for serious illness will require a doctor's note clearing students to return to class.
  • ConnectEd auto-dialer messages will go home each day reporting any absences.
  • Attendance codes are explained in detail on the school website.

The following categories of absence will be applied:

  1. (I) Excused absence due to illness, medical, or dental appointment. This is the only category for which the student can make up missed work. All other absences require the student to obtain a contract independent study form from the Attendance Office.
  2. (E) Excused absence for personal reasons. Citizenship will not be penalized for these reasons. Teachers will provide an opportunity for the student to make up missed work.
  3. (U) Unexcused absence with the knowledge of parents but for reasons not approved by the district. The responsibility for the make-up of missed work, if granted by the teacher, rests entirely with the student.
  4. (Z) TRUANT is an absence not approved by the parents or the school. Teachers may require work to be made up but need not grant student requests for permission to make up work. Other penalties may be imposed for truancy and citizenship may be affected. *Absolutely no student is to be off campus without signing out of school at the Attendance Office via a blue slip form.

A blue slip is required to leave the school grounds at any time during the school day. Students must bring a note to the Attendance Office before school on the morning of the appointment to obtain a blue slip. Routine medical and dental appointments should be made after school hours.

If a student has excessive absences (10% or more) that are reported as illness, a written verification of illness must be provided by a doctor or dentist. If the student has an underlying health condition, the nurse needs to be notified to assist the parent with meeting the student's needs at school. The nurse is available in the Health Office located in the Main Office building.

If your last name, street address, telephone number, or parent/guardian changes at any time during the school year, please notify the attendance secretaries immediately by emailing [email protected].

Messages of a non-emergency nature (i.e. running late, no ride, etc.) or deliveries (i.e. balloons, flowers, lunches, phones, etc.) will not be delivered to students. Food deliveries (including fast food) from parents, friends, and families, even at lunch, are not permitted.


Ph: (858) 302-3600 
Fax: (858) 549-9541
Nurse: Extension 3050
[email protected]

Perfect Attendance


When your student is absent please provide a handwritten note the next morning to the attendance office with the following information:

  • Student Name
  • Date of Absence
  • Reason for Absence
  • Parent/Guardian Signature
  • Phone Number

Leaving During School Hours (Blue Slips):
Please provide a handwritten note on the day of the appointment to the attendance office with the following information:

  • Student Name
  • Date to be Released
  • Reason (i.e. Doctor, Court, Personal Business...)
  • Time to be Released
  • Parent/Guardian Signature
  • Phone Number

Apple And Lunch

We do not make classroom deliveries!

Flower Deliveries

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