Mira Mesa High School
i21 Student/Parent Netbook Agreement Form
All students and parents must sign the student use agreement before the student will be issued a computer.
Type I Offense -Inappropriate Use (e.g. not using the Netbook/iPad for math in math class,using ear buds or printing without teacher permission, etc.)
First Offense: Teacher conference with student, student loses Netbook/iPad privileges for the remainder of that day.
Second Offense: Student may completely lose Netbook/iPad privileges for the remainder of the school year as per the discretion of the teacher. The student's citizenship grade may be lowered to an N and then to a U if repeated offenses occur.
Type II Offense -Intentional Damage (e.g. writing on the Netbook/iPad; handling it roughly,spilling any liquid on it, pulling off key pads, scratching the screen, or anything that would deface or destroy the Netbook/iPad.)
Student/Parent conference, student loses privileges for the remainder of the school year (or until the computer is repaired or replaced), parent phone call, student/parent pays for repairs or replacement (up to $500 for replacement), and referral to VP. The student's citizenship grade may be lowered to a U.
Student Name: __________________________ Date: _____________
Student Signature: ___________________________________________
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________