By Using The Products Below You Can Raise Funds for Our School
AT&T: Purchase AT&T services like wireless, voice, broadband, or U-verse and earn commissions for our school.
Mission Federal: Open a Mission Federalchecking account and get $25 for your account AND $25 donated to MMHS at yourrequest. Read more here: Mission4 R Schools Use this search engine (powered by Yahoo) andraise funds for MMHS. Simply type in Mira Mesa High School when asked "Whodo you GoodSearch for?". It's simple. Make it your homepage! Spread theword!
Jackson Hewitt: Will give you $20 off your tax preparation fees and donate $20 to MMHS when you mention the school name at the Mira Mesa location (5755 Oberlin Drive #317). They also support the "Dare toCompare" campaign which means most people will pay $50 less than they paidfor a similar return filed last year. Check more information. Call (858) 412-1215 for an appointment or email: [email protected]